Important Subscription Details
1. Some jurisdictions regulate or prohibit the use of satellite communication devices. It is the responsibility of the user to know and follow all applicable laws in the jurisdictions where the device is intended to be used.
2. Photo and voice messaging is available only with select devices enabled with inReach technology and requires use of the Garmin Messenger app on your compatible smartphone.
Subscription plans listed above are intended for use in a commercial or business environment. Each inReach product requires its own subscription plan.
All prices subject to change. All plans are billed monthly. Selected plan auto-renews monthly unless user changes plan selection or cancels before the next renewal date. Unless stated otherwise, non-U.S. plan prices do not include applicable VAT or other taxes. Additional charges apply to messages sent through the Iridium satellite network exceeding selected plan limits.
All Professional Flex plans are subject to a one-time activation fee, as listed in the table above. Reactivation of a canceled Flex plan is subject to the one-time activation fee. Flex plans have a minimum term of 30 days. New 30-day minimum applies to changed Flex plans.
Service can be suspended for a monthly fee, as listed in the table above. Users retain access to inReach data stored on the Garmin Explore website while account is suspended.
Read the Terms and Conditions for Garmin Subscription Services and the Service Terms for inReach Personal Service Plans.
Engineering enhancements are ongoing and may not be reflected in the pictures, videos and specifications.